Translated 10 Behavioral Features of PDA (printable)

Created this Translated 10 PDA Behaviors list and shared on my Facebook a couple days ago in response to a semi-controversial post released by Dr. Attwood re: 10 Behavior Features of PDA.

Attwood compiled his list from a survey created by O’Nions (yes, onions) 2016 to help identify PDA going off of some of the observable behaviors. The issue with many of us who are PDA is how professionals word their language is usually shallow, offensive, and can miscommunicate to providers and families how to interpret their PDA loved ones.

On a whim I took the original list and tweaked it with my own wording. This doesn’t speak for every PDAer, but I’ve gotten feedback it’s a vast improvement. A parent then asked me if they could circulate my updated list to the professionals who work with their child. I think a side by side comparison is far more effective in showing 1) the unspoken biases non PDAers have toward PDA, and 2) how easy it is to misinterpret someone’s motives if all we do is look at behavior.

Pre-formatted Google Doc for easy printing