Lost In Translation #04; Autistic: Cured!

Looks like: Parents of autistic children getting in arguments with autistic adults about claiming a cure for their children.

As a late-diagnosed autistic adult I watch parents and autistics argue and in some situations feel I see them talking past each other.

Parents confusing behaviors for neurotype, autistics defending neurotype where parents claim “healing”.

The Reality: There is a differences between our neurotype (autistic) which is immutable, and *some* of the symptoms we experience in reaction to our environment…

Talking to autistic adults is a great gateway to sifting through the aspects of being autistic that are integral, and those that are subject to potential change with supports.

Yes, there can be ways to help with diet and therapies, but this does change what makes someone autistic.

There is nothing wrong in exploring diet or lifestyle changes as part of the support plan for an autistic child, though keep in mind that certain therapies like ABA put pressure on children to conform in ways that will cause more distress long term

Many autistics have learned to conform but still struggle internally. This leads to burnout, exhaustion, depression, and in some cases suicidal ideation.

above all: Autism is NOT simply what behaviors our society deems difficult, and integration into society doesn’t mean a child is being properly supported.

Autism” itself is not our enemy, it’s a unique brain type with its own strengths and weaknesses that modern society does not typically support.

Celebrate successes, but please remember “well regulated” is not the same as “cured”